Wednesday, February 04, 2009


And another African comic, this time a proud Gabonese comic who's not afraid to make fun of his own people..Patrick shares in his bds his experiences as a little boy growing up in a traditional african society..u know the deal!! He grew up in Africa and in France before moving back to Gabon where he now resides in the town of Bitam..
He starting writing bd's in high school in the nineties and throughout the years has made a name for himself through the African bd circuit and won in 2006 the Prize for Best African political cartoon at the third Salon africain du livre....
He's known for his political satires and his autobiography in the series "La Vie de Pahe"..
This year he'll publish the last tome of "La Vie de Pahe" which will actually be turned into a tv cartoon..He's also publishing another tome of his bd "Dipoula"..
Would love to read him:)

Djaa my brothas from Gabon sont dedans aussi:)
Eyeee Wayee:)

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